We are proficient at conducting taste tests, both in central locations and the home environment. Our in-house facilities, Innervisions, includes a mini prep kitchen enabling some food and beverage research on site, for example, within focus group discussions or quantitative hall testing.
Foods and drinks tested are as diverse as yoghurts, chocolate, sweeties, chips, champagne, beers, soft drinks, noodles, sauces, meat and poultry. And we love it when there are, on occasion, 1 or 2 spares for the team to try also!
Our teams, in-house and in-field, are equipped with the knowledge to deliver these tests safely and efficiently, whatever the research environment.
Our newly installed sensory facility opens up further opportunities within certain food and beverage categories, with 10 open booths, designed and built to ISO sensory lab specifications, and 6 closed booths.